We’re here to provide support and a friendly ear.

There are more people in the UK living with a neurological condition than cancer, heart disease or diabetes. Change is needed urgently because the current system is under-funded, inadequately resourced, and fails individuals and families too often.
NeuroLifeNow, in collaboration with The Neurological Alliance, runs regular surveys to gather people’s experiences with various services.
The 1 in 6 Campaign
According to recent data, at least 1 in 6 people living in the UK are challenged everyday with a neurological condition and struggle to receive information, support and treatment which could alleviate symptoms, improving quality of life and mental health.
In response the Neurological Alliance UK launched, in 2022, a major plan of action initiating a nationwide survey which was completed by more than 8500 people affected by a neurological condition. It raised important issues and highlighted many shortfalls within the system which included difficulties in obtaining an appointment with a Neurologist, misdiagnosis, little or unknown conditions and a lack of treatment, care and support with continued backup.
We were all grateful for the support shown and hopefully this can be implemented into positive action. It was rewarding to meet others who were happy to offer their help and support to members of the Orthostatic Tremor UK Support Group and be able to include Scotland, having met Alice Struthers the
Scottish representative. Also, Marc Smith, CEO of the Brain and Spine Foundation [www.brainandspine.org.uk]
Together we are stronger
Delivering the petition

Marc Smith and Alyson

Alice Struthers and Alyson
A brand-new artwork has been created by the neurological community at the Westminster Neurological Alliance,a photo mosaic featuring pictures of over 300 people affected by neurological conditions from across the UK. Each picture highlights the individuality of each person’s experience and needs. The image depicts hands holding each other to celebrate the unity and strength of the neurological community.

September is Orthostatic Tremor awareness month